Recently our Founder Simon undertook mental first aid with the view to helping support clients and business and believes it to be invaluable to all businesses. check out his certificate here.
Positively Different Solutions offers chat sessions for school children of all ages with our Founder, Simon Quinn-Jones. Simon has delivered workshops and talks through schools for some years, helping children start to understand the world of work and how they might eventually fit into it. Check it out here: Click Here for Primary Chatter…
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Helllooooooo you wonderful people…. where have we been I hear you ask? Oh you didn’t ask – well I shall tell you anyway as you’re here now aren’t you! After an awesome couple of months in May and June which saw successful new partnerships created with a scientific and engineering powerhouse who, if I can…
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Can you think of a third film you actually liked more then the first or sequel? If so let me know (cough cough Rocky 3)! At our core we believe in local businesses flourishing and we love meeting new companies, with their new ideas, approaches to business, how they look after their staff….local trade is…
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As the title suggests it was a month crammed full of non-stop action for Positively Different Solutions and we loved it! We started the month off after being asked to attend a fantastic education provider in Hartford Cheshire, where we spent the day in different classes talking about some fun things and some amazingly important…
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