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Category: Recruitment

A new way to resource

Mental Health First Aid

Recently our Founder Simon undertook mental first aid with the view to helping support clients and business and believes it to be invaluable to all businesses. check out his certificate here.  


A Positively Different Approach to Messing Up!! Have you heard of Ubuntu? Chances are that you may not have done. I had not until recently when I read an article about a tribe in Africa, who, when someone in their tribe messes up take a rather positively different approach than we might do in here…
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The Grass Isn’t Always Greener – Or is It?

“Start where you are. Distant fields always look greener, but opportunity lies right where you are. Take advantage of every opportunity of service”. Robert Collier. It’s no coincidence that Positively Different Solutions chose grass as the image for their logo. We thought we would take a little moment here to explain why this image is so important to…
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Let’s help each other

Nothing in Isolation It’s a tough old time at the moment isn’t it?  The world, and consequently, everyone in it is going through unprecedented times and the emergence of whole new ways of having to live and work.  Everything, it seems is being turned on its head by increasingly demanding, and rapidly changing environmental circumstances…
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Our recent interview with Magnet Monster

We were recently approached by Magnet Monster to interview us as part of their series “Founders in the Spotlight”. Read on to see what insight we gave! 1) As a founder of  Positively Different Solutions can you explain a little bit about how it was founded and what your oganisation does? Of course, Positively Different…
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It’s a kind of magic (or not)

As a recruitment solutions provider, I find myself asking job seekers how they can have confidence in recruiters when they are one of 10, 15 or 20 candidates sent over to the client, for the same role with the words “You are perfect for this role”. So perfect in fact that the recruiter has sent…
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Sell, sell, sell! No thank you

After recently having a short break in Morocco, one thing became clear – they love to sell to you over there…..in the streets, the markets, the square and the souks. The moment you step off the plane you are greeted with people trying their very best pressure selling techniques to encourage you into their taxis…
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The positives and the perils of Christmas hiring

It happens every year, that jolly chap wearing red and white comes down the chimney and ushers in a (mostly) fantastic day for you and the family….. However for you and the company its a time of shortened working weeks, parties, deadlines that seem to come at you even quicker and thoughts about the new…
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