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A new way to resource

It’s about the journey

Helllooooooo you wonderful people…. where have we been I hear you ask? Oh you didn’t ask – well I shall tell you anyway as you’re here now aren’t you! After an awesome couple of months in May and June which saw successful new partnerships created with a scientific and engineering powerhouse who, if I can…
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March Madness – part III!

Can you think of a third film you actually liked more then the first or sequel? If so let me know (cough cough Rocky 3)! At our core we believe in local businesses flourishing and we love meeting new companies, with their new ideas, approaches to business, how they look after their staff….local trade is…
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March Madness – the sequel

In part 1 we kicked off with how a recruitment company based in Middlewich Cheshire wasn’t just your run of the mill Staffing provider. Yes, we recruit for permanent, temporary and contract staff to companies based in Cheshire, the northwest and we even recruit outside of the United Kingdom but we do so much more….we…
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March madness

As the title suggests it was a month crammed full of non-stop action for Positively Different Solutions and we loved it! We started the month off after being asked to attend a fantastic education provider in Hartford Cheshire, where we spent the day in different classes talking about some fun things and some amazingly important…
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It’s a kind of magic (or not)

As a recruitment solutions provider, I find myself asking job seekers how they can have confidence in recruiters when they are one of 10, 15 or 20 candidates sent over to the client, for the same role with the words “You are perfect for this role”. So perfect in fact that the recruiter has sent…
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Sell, sell, sell! No thank you

After recently having a short break in Morocco, one thing became clear – they love to sell to you over there…..in the streets, the markets, the square and the souks. The moment you step off the plane you are greeted with people trying their very best pressure selling techniques to encourage you into their taxis…
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The positives and the perils of Christmas hiring

It happens every year, that jolly chap wearing red and white comes down the chimney and ushers in a (mostly) fantastic day for you and the family….. However for you and the company its a time of shortened working weeks, parties, deadlines that seem to come at you even quicker and thoughts about the new…
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Finding a new way with intelligent resourcing

By Simon Quinn-Jones, Director Working in recruitment has introduced me to many amazing people and many different companies; but one thing i have noticed as a constant is how recruitment companies work – they treat everything as a numbers game.  For example send over 20 CVs to a client because “one of them has to be…
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